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New Boulder Occupancy Law Is In Effect

Jennifer Crowell | Published on 9/18/2023

By now, you should know that the occupancy rules have changed for the city of Boulder.  The new occupancy regulations went into effect on 9/18/2023.  The new ordinance allows:

·Five unrelated persons citywide,

·Three persons and any of their children by blood, marriage, or guardianship, including foster or adopted children, and

·Three persons in small efficiency units.

·Maximum allowable occupancy will not increase if you have a nonconforming property.  Below is the breakdown. 

· If you have nonconforming occupancy  only, over what is permitted or will be permitted you can still keep that.  These properties will have no change in occupancy.

·If your property is a nonconforming use, you will not be able to have 5 unrelated persons as your occupancy.  Instead, you will need to stay at the current 3 or 4 unrelated persons permitted.  For example, if you have a triplex in an area zoned for duplexes, you would have to maintain the occupancy you have now. 

·IF you have questions regarding your status (whether or not you have a non-conforming property & what your occupancy levels are) we have been instructed to call rental licensing.


Boulder Area Rental Housing Association

PO Box 17606

Boulder CO 80308



The Boulder Area Rental Housing Association is a regional trade association for owners, managers and industry partners in the rental housing industry