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BARHA Local Advocacy Efforts

Working to Protect Your Property Rights and Investment

BARHA's staff and board of directors advocates and promotes the rental housing industry in the city of Boulder and the surrounding areas. We advocate on behalf of our membership in the Boulder area to help promote and protect rental housing owners and property managers. Our membership has more than 14,000 residential rental units in the City and County of Boulder.

As an organization, and through the hard work of staff, board and interested members we identify proposed laws that impact the rental industry in our area and contribute thoughtful industry expertise to aid in our success. We serve as an informed, respected voice regarding Rental Property Owners in the City and County of Boulder. In addition to our interaction with councils, we work closely with staff to ensure the creation of appropriate and effective rules and enforcement vehicles for the rental industry in our area

Advocacy at work! BARHA members working with community partners regarding Quality of Life Issues on the Hill.

Boulder Council Forum

Boulder Election 2023


BARHA and BOLO sent candidates questions focused on the real estate industry. Topics included rent control, nuisance responsibility, streamlining building processes, and non -renewals. Boulder will directly be electing a mayor for the first time. Aaron Brockett won from a field of 4 candidates. Click here to learn what he had to say. on these issues.  


As usual there is a large field of candidates for council. There are 10 candidates for 4 seats.  Tara Winer,  Tina Marquis, Taishya Adams have won the first 3 seats.  Ryan Schuchard is in 4th place but ahead of Terri Brncic by just 47 votes which triggers an automatic recount.  The recount is likely to occur in early December, shortly before the new council is sworn in.   Read on to learn how these Candidates answered our questions.

Longmont Mingling Photo

Longmont Election 2023


In Longmont, BARHA and BOLO asked candidates questions as well. Written Questions for Longmont candidates included rent control, universal recycling and non-renewal.


Joan Peck was re - elected mayor of Longmont . Interested to hear what she had to say about our real estate related questions? Check out her answers here


In regards to council, there are Sean McCoy won the at-large seat, Diane Crist won for Ward 1, and Susie Hidalgo-Fahring won for Ward 3. Read on to learn how the Longmont Candidates answered our questions.


What To Watch: Issues Impacting Rental Housing

Rent Control: Studies and Information about its Impacts

The Effects of Rent Control Expansion on Tenants, Landlords, and Inequality: Evidence from San Francisco - Rebecca Diamond, Stanford Graduate School of Business

The One Issue Every Economist Can Agree is Bad: Rent Control- Megan McArdle, Washington Post


Yup, Rent Control Does More Harm Than Good - Noah Smith, Bloomberg


How Rent Controls Hurt the Poor - Allan Brownfield, Foundation For Economic Education


Issues 2020: Rent Control Does Not Make Housing More Affordable - Michael Hendrix, Manhattan Institute

What does economic evidence tell us about the effects of rent control? - Rebecca Diamond, Brookings

Proposed National Rent Controls - Dr Ileana Johnson Paugh, Canadian Free Press - "Rent control may seem like a good and humanitarian idea to help those who live on a limited income, but, in general, it creates a host of economic problems which harm the population at large."

Rent Control: An Old, Bad Idea That Won’t Go Away - Vanessa Brown Calder and Ryan Bourne, Cato Institute

Rent Control Is Bad For Both Landlords And Tenants Caleb Malik, Market Urbanism

Past Advocacy/Involvement

Dark Sky Ordinance

The city of Boulder originally passed this ordinance in 2003.  However, implementation for existing properties was not required until November of 2018, with enforcement starting in November of 2019. This ordinance requires exterior lighting to meet “brightness” standards that move to eliminate light pollution. Exterior lighting will have to ultimately be replaced if lights shine upward and/or glass enclosures release light pollution that exceeds the standards set forth in the ordinance (equivalence to a 60 watt bulb). See links below for more information.

If you are renting a condo, no worries.  Thanks to BARHA, staff now understands that in a condo situation most folks do not have control over the exterior lighting. So if you do not have control over it, you are not responsible for it.  

Important Links

Longmont Rental Licensing

In Spring of 2022, the city of Longmont proposed a rental licensing and inspection program. The impetus for the proposal was to concerns over some properties that were not cared for properly and that tenants were not comfortable complaining. BARHA felt that the proposal would only cost money and time for the city, landlords and tenants. If enforcing current code violations were a problem, then adding an entirely new program that requires additional enforcement would be difficult to manage. We also stressed the use of Longmont's mediation services.

Thanks to both BARHA staff and member advocacy, the proposal did not go through. The city of Longmont also did community outreach which did not show support for the program.


City of Boulder Rental Licensing

Important Links

Important Links for City of Boulder
Inquire Boulder to log an inquiry or complaint

Landlord-Tenant Resources  available resources - City of Boulder

Landlord-Tenant Handbook city of Boulder Handbook

Property Owner Notification Dashboard to view calls to service at a property

Tenant Resource Poster (To post in rental properties for tenants)
City Of Boulder Emap Link to view rental licenses
Property Search By Address to view tickets issued to a property
Boulder Police Department Report - file a non-emergency police report within Boulder City Limits
City Of Boulder Rental Licensing
Disaster Preparedness - links to upcoming workshops, checklists, etc - how to prepare for emergencies

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