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Longmont Universal Recycling Update

Jennifer Crowell | Published on 5/17/2023

The first of two readings of the Universal Recycling Ordinance is now tentatively on June 20. Here is information on how to attend a Council meeting, there will be a public hearing related to the Ordinance. 

  • Attend in person at the Council Chambers located in the Civic Center at 350 Kimbark St. The meeting begins at 7 pm. Meeting agendas and cancellations are posted on the City’s Agenda Management Portal
  • Watch the livestream: 

As a reminder, the current proposed timeline begins implementation in 2024, there are exemptions proposed for qualifying properties who produce less than 95 gallons of trash per week, self-haul, share bins, experience economic hardship, innovation and food donation and composting onsite for organics diversion.  


If you have any concerns you’d like to discuss, please reach out prior to the June 20 City Council meeting. As a reminder, the draft implementation timeline for the Ordinance is on Engage Longmont.


Boulder Area Rental Housing Association

PO Box 17606

Boulder CO 80308



The Boulder Area Rental Housing Association is a regional trade association for owners, managers and industry partners in the rental housing industry