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BARHA Participates in Community Conversation about University Hill

Jennifer Crowell | Published on 2/6/2023
The University Hill Neighborhood in Boulder is an area directly west of CU Boulder and is home to both student tenants and neighbors. BARHA has been an active member in the Hill Revitalization Working Group (HRWG) for many years.  The group was established in 2015 to examine ongoing improvements on the hill.  It is made up of representatives from: the city of Boulder, the University Hill Neighborhood Association, BARHA staff and member representatives (landlords), CU Boulder, and The Inter-Fraternity Council.  The goal is to collaborate to improve overall quality of life on the Hill.

Last week, CU Boulder hosted a community meeting to further discuss the issues on the Hill and brainstorm about actions that we can take to build relationships and recommend changes to make improvements related to ongoing issues.  We participated in round table discussions related to multiple topics including better communication, ideas for enforcement and ways in increase communication among all parties on the Hill.  The conversation was productive and we were thankful to participate in the process and represent landlords who own and manage properties on the Hill.  

CU Boulder will be compiling the ideas and presenting them to the group.  We hope to see action items that will benefit the community and improve the communication.  We continue to have conversations about the importance of a communication system where landlords can gain access to information about their properties.  We have consistently asked for a dashboard where we can check for calls to service which we cannot currently access.  The communication system is a priority to establish better enforcement and action on the Hill.

We will continue to keep our members updated as the conversation evolves.  Be sure to watch your member newsletters for information related to this topic


Boulder Area Rental Housing Association

PO Box 17606

Boulder CO 80308



The Boulder Area Rental Housing Association is a regional trade association for owners, managers and industry partners in the rental housing industry